First Federal Community Bank – Dover Ohio 44622

FIRST FED continues to fuck me around & defy court orders. I was awarded my ex-wife’s 401(k) for many reasons but FFCB & Stephenie Wilson is dragging her feet in getting me my money. First Federal has been under court order to relinquish the funds effective July 2022 but they are “reviewing” the documents. FUCK First Federal, FUCK Trent Troyer and all the lying scheming scumbags at FFCB. They let my ex-wife forge documents & continued to protect her and now I’m sure there is some other shitty reason they have not released my funds. I guess a suit against FFCB & Ms Wilson will be the next order of the day.

Just a bit of a note, first off both Heather Campbell & Katie Coniglio aka Katie Mills no longer work for First Federal. Funny how the two that caused all of this are now…gone, but FFCB thinks they did nothing wrong but terminated their employment.

Trent, do you know when you told Dover PD that Katie changed the accounts but “changed them back”. That was an admission of guilt so thank you. This is going to be so much fun…are you having fun?

Just getting this ready to file, can’t wait for Steve Anderson & Trent Troyer argue against the next subpoenas. First Federal lies, but their computers don’t lie, funny how they don’t want to turn over the computer printouts only the handwritten copies.

For you people that say this is a bullshit website, if the words were not true my former attorney Stevie Anderson would have already filed suit. Fuck you too Stevie. All FFCB would need to do is provide the PROOF, computers don’t lie, but Trent Troyer and paper slips do lie.

Funny how Heather Campbell no longer works for First Fed, her job history is about three years and that’s what it was, three years and a few months. Now she works at a retard place like her cuck husband.

Katie now works as a barista at Starbucks. I guess a 9-5, weekends & holidays off with three weeks’ vacation & $50k yearly salary wasn’t enough but the $15 hourly she is making at Starbucks was a better opportunity. Fuck you Katie, this is just the beginning of the fucked-up rest of your life, you deserve more than just losing your job, your prestige in the community and more because you decided that Heather Campbell was you “savior”.

Nice to see these pages continue to receive 80+ hits daily, the truth prevails… I think a couple billboards are next so more people can find this site.

First Federal continues to protect Katie Coniglio (Katie Mills, Katie Hurd or whatever fucking name she is using). They have now stonewalled the Dover Police Department by refusal to have Katie be interviewed. They also continue to threaten me… for wanting to obtain the truth in this. Bad news First Federal, you do not scare me, you can not intimidate me nor can Carroll County. I will fight this to the end. Funny how “charges” were dropped when people other than me had to go to court. This is far from over and I will make sure that everyone knows the garbage First Federal is doing. Dover PD report (PDF File) also my rebuttal to Dover PD. I really enjoy that the PRESIDENT & CEO of the bank comes to Katie Hurd-Zimmerly-Coniglio-Mills defense and makes a special trip to DPD. Steve Anderson also made the journey to DPD to “protect” Kate, I think the bank is protecting itself from what it has ALLOWED an employee to do and cover up.

Bad news FFCB, I found an attorney that will deal with you after the Comptroller of the Currency is done with you. Trent Troyer fucked up and as long as you have her working there this will NEVER be over so we can play this game for years as far as I’m concerned… they were MY accounts also, had my Social Security number on them. Keep protecting these people and I can keep filing things. I also found out that I can subpoena records if I file a small claims action… I might want to recover the fees from my little dance with attorney Steve Anderson.

FFCB FAILS to comply with a legal subpoena! FFCB said I needed a subpoena to see my account activity, suddenly they do not want to comply with needed information. No date stamp? No branch stamp? No authorized person signing off on these items? Also, FZR Law informed, that “she made a little mistake, but corrected it”… that’s a lie! Not to worry, I will continue to fight, I will continue to work with the Comptroller of the Currency to resolve all of these “mistakes”. Again, THINK about where you put your money, if it can happen to me, it can happen to you.

This page is still here & will be here due to the fact that Steve Anderson from FZR decided to send me very nasty letters about an account that should not have been closed in the way it was closed. I’m sorry FFCB but what you did as a company still was not above board and some things you continue to do are not done well. Found some new shady things First Federal did or “let happen” with the joint accounts so now my attorney is fired up and she’s going get the answers.

Also click Joint Accounts and see what FFCB lets employees do “just because” & there is more but the information had to be subpoenaed as I couldn’t find out information about MY OWN account, confusing, yes.

Think where you put your money

First Federal Community Bank, 321 N Wooster AVE, Dover OH 44622

Katie Coniglio